Terms of use
1. Policy objective
The objective of this policy is to ensure that information collected for and by Oakhill English School is in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), Freedom of Information Act (1982), Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) (2014), and is protected and utilized only for its primary purpose.
2. Scope
This Policy applies to all students, managers, officers, workers, and contractors of Oakhill English School. The collected information may be in electronic or hard copy format.
3. Responsibility
The Operations Manager is responsible for implementing and monitoring this policy, and all Departmental Managers will be responsible for ensuring that staff and students are aware of its application.
4. Policy statement
4.1 To fulfill our responsibilities as an English language school, Oakhill English School will collect, use, store, and disseminate personal information, as defined by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, in a manner consistent with the Information Protection Principles contained within that Act and those requirements as outlined in the Data Provisions of the VET Quality Framework NVR Standards for RTOs, including all data required for AVETMISS and other required reporting.
4.2 Oakhill English School takes privacy very seriously and is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals. This includes personal, health, financial, and other confidential information that is necessary for Oakhill English School to carry out its functions.
4.3 Oakhill English School will take all reasonable steps to protect individual information from loss, misuse, or unauthorized disclosure or destruction. The right to privacy is a value that is highly regarded.
4.5 Personal information of Oakhill English School’s students will be collected by fair and lawful means necessary for the purpose of enrollment and function of Oakhill English School, and the institute is committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of the information provided.
4.6 Oakhill English School’s policy is to take reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information that we collect, use, and disclose is accurate, up to date, complete, and (in the case of use and disclosure) relevant.
5. Procedures
5.1 Managing personal information
When managing a student’s personal information, Oakhill English School is required to comply with Government legislation and policy as mentioned above.
Oakhill English School endeavors to balance the rights of privacy with the need to be accountable and transparent in its dealings. Oakhill English School manages students’ personal information in an open and transparent way. However, certain information will not be available under freedom of information laws. This includes private information relating to another individual, Oakhill English School’s internal working documents, and material obtained in confidence. In addition, Oakhill English School’s Document and Record Register provides a framework and instructions to staff regarding how and why Oakhill English School collects, stores, and uses students’ personal information and how an individual may access their personal information held by Oakhill English School. It also consists of a procedure for making complaints about Oakhill English School breaches of the APPs and how Oakhill English School will deal with a complaint.
5.2 Collection and Use of Information
Oakhill English School will not collect personal information unless the information is reasonably necessary for one or more of Oakhill English School’s functions or activities. Any personal information supplied by individuals to Oakhill English School and/or its Training Representative (where applicable) will only be used to provide information about study opportunities, to enable efficient administration, and for course administration and training and assessment purposes. Only authorized managers and other authorized persons have access to this information. All the information collected is governed by the APPs (2014).
Oakhill English School collects personal information for reasons including:
- statistical purposes for use by State and Commonwealth administration;
- teaching purposes by Oakhill English School;